Apba baseball cards value
Apba baseball cards value

apba baseball cards value

Tom Heiderscheit: Jan 77 - Dec 84 (107 issues)

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The following is a list of Journal editors and their tenures:īen Weiser: Oct 73 - Nov/Dec 76 (37 issues) A commemorative issue marking the 70th anniversary of the APBA Game Co. The Journal assumed its final full-sized magazine form in Issue 4-4 (Feb 1971). Beginning with Issue 1-5 (Apr 68), the format changed to booklet form, consisting of 8.5" x 11" sheets folded in half. The first several issues were printed in mimeograph on 8.5" x 11" sheets. The Journal was founded in 1967 by Len and Ron Gaydos, and eventually ran for 362 issues and comprised 8686 pages. Popular articles and features included league reports, strategy discussions, game variants, player card analysis, replay reports, product reviews, and rumors of future releases. Although it was published with the permission of the APBA Game Company, editorial control was independent of the game publisher. The APBA Journal was the voice of the APBA sports game hobby during its publication run from 1967 to 2002. Article Edit | History | Editors Action Page

Apba baseball cards value