DACUS: Short for “Dash Attack Cancelled Up Smash”, performed when a character cancels a dash attack with an Up Smash.Shield SDI: Similar to SDI, but when shielding an attack.One can input a diagonal after a cardinal (I.E Left, then Left+Up), but not the reverse (I.E Left+Up, then Left). Unlike DI, SDI is only precise to the cardinal and diagonal directions. Smash DI (SDI): The ability to influence one’s position before being launched by an attack, possible during the attack’s “hitstun” period (When the attacker and attackee appear frozen).It is affected with precision down to individual control stick values (With the exception of the control stick’s deadzones) when bouncing off of walls or ceilings, and precise to cardinal and diagonal directions otherwise. Directional Influence (DI): The ability to influence the trajectory one follows when launched by an attack.It’s one frame faster than the traditional method (Holding down for two frames while in an idle or turnaround position), and also retains momentum from a dash. Shield Drop: By holding one’s shield and slightly lowering the control stick, one can drop through a platform.Turn-around Jump: The act of jumping in the middle of a character’s turn-around animation this is used to better position needed aerial attacks.

Several characters have Fox Trots that are faster than their run speeds.

Dash Dancing: By turning in the opposite direction in the first six frames of a character’s dash, the character dashes again.The D-Pad is used to perform character exclusive taunts, but they don’t do anything meaningful aside from looking flashy. The C-Stick allows Smash Attacks to be used on the ground, and aerial attacks in the air.

The Z button is used to grab opponents, and the L/R buttons are used to shield against or dodge enemy attacks. Pressing the A button in combination with the control stick allows characters to attack with a variety of moves (Including Jabs, Tilt attacks, and Smash attacks on the ground, and aerial attacks in the air), and pressing the B button in the same manner allows unique Special attacks to be used. Primary movement is done by moving the control stick - this includes Running (Fully Left/Right), Walking (Half Left/Right), Jumping (Up), and Crouching (Down).